White Wolf

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White Wolves can be found around the town of Verity. Only encountered when fighting against a Wolf, which can occasionally summon a White Wolf with the Howl ability. This is currently the only way to encounter a White Wolf in battle. Defeating White Wolves is necessary to complete the Dances with Wolves quest found in Verity.

Monster Information


Companion Information

The Wolf can be recruited as a companion at reputation rank 2 (Revered).

Reserve Ability

Base: 1% CRIT/DODG
Gain: 1% CRIT/DODG every 15 Levels

Level 1 Level 15 Level 30



Every 5 levels you can choose between two Milestone abilities.

White Wolf
White Wolf (battle).png
 Wild HP: 77
 Wild MP: 12
 Type: Normal
 Gold: 12
 Experience: 37
 Steal: Plus Gold Seed (Medium)
 Reputation Rank: 2 (Revered)
 Found: Verity
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