Reenactor Soldier

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Reenactor Soldiers only appear during the Balzackian Dependence Day special event and can be found in the festival grounds. The location of these grounds is not set in stone, having been located outside of Balzackia as well as next to the Colosseum. Reenactor Soldiers do not have set stats, instead having stats that scale based on the highest level member of the party.

Companion Information

The Reenactor Soldier currently can not be recruited as a companion.

Reenactor Soldier
Ardan Guard.PNG
 Wild HP: Variable
 Wild MP: None?
 Type: Normal
 Gold:  ??
 Experience:  ??
 Steal: {{{Steal}}}
 Reputation Rank: Unrecruitable
 Found: Balzackian Dependence Day festival grounds
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