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An end-game level boss wandering the entire world with the exception of Ennar. It mimics one of six bosses found elsewhere in the game: Rehgor, Procrastor, Phoenix, Cyclops, Midgard, and the Crypt Knight. All six forms are storm element, meaning spells like Shock and Sizzle will not be very effective. The Shade is on a spawn timer: one hour after being killed, or five minutes after a party attacks it and looses.

All six forms are much more difficult than the boss they are based off of, with extra or different spells/skills available for use along with increased stats.

Shade Forms

S. Crypt Knight Overworld.png S. Crypt Knight Shade Overworld.png S. Shield Shade Overworld.png S. Sword
S. Cyclops Overworld.png S. Cyclops Shade Overworld.png S. Drake
S. Midgard Overworld.png S. Midgard Shade Overworld.png Shadegore
S. Phoenix Overworld.png S. Phoenix
S. Procrastor Overworld.png S. Procrastor Shade Overworld.png S. Reptsicle
S. Rehgor Overworld.png S. Rehgor Shade Overworld.png S. Bandit

Shade Etiquette

  • Don't engage the Shade unless you can actually defeat it (typically a group of three level 30+ characters).
  • If you aren't engaging the Shade, it's helpful to call out its location in world say (i.e., "Shade near Bedoe.").
  • If you engage and kill the Shade, call out when you killed it in world say (i.e., "Shade down at XX:05"). This means that the Shade was killed at five after the hour. The reason for using "XX" is to account for players who are in a different time zone. After all, 7:05 PM in the western United States is wholly different than, say, 7:05 PM in eastern Spain. This practice allows other players to know when they can start searching for the Shade in parties of their own.